• Question: What is your definition of antibiotics ?

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      Asked by ImIbby to Daniela ?, ☣ Danna, Jonny, Juan, Lindsay on 17 Jun 2016.
      • Photo: Jonathan Hunter

        Jonathan Hunter answered on 17 Jun 2016:

        Something which kills bacteria. Probably too general, the others may have a better one!

      • Photo: Danna Gifford

        Danna Gifford answered on 17 Jun 2016:

        The word antibiotic comes from Latin, meaning “against life”, but in common use it means a medicine that is given to treat a bacterial infection. There are some other related words:
        Antibacterial: a medicine that treats bacterial infections (kind of a synonym for antibiotic, but more specific)
        Antimicrobial: a medicine that works against microbes, which could include fungus and bacteria
        Antifungal: a medicine to treat fungal infections
        Antiviral: a medicine against viruses
        Antiseptic: a wipe or cream applied to cuts to stop infections from happening
        Biocide: usually a type of cleaner that kills bacteria on surfaces, but is not meant to be used on humans

      • Photo: Lindsay Robinson

        Lindsay Robinson answered on 18 Jun 2016:

        An antibiotic is something, usually a drug, which is capable of killing bacteria. Antibiotics can be tablets or liquids which you have to swallow or they can be given to you through an injection or a drip if you’re in hospital.
