• Question: Currently all four of you are employed by a university. Are there any other experiences you plan on making on you future in terms of work life? Perhaps become self-employed? What are your future plans?

    Asked by MaximDis to Daniela ?, ☣ Danna, Jonny, Juan, Lindsay on 20 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Lindsay Robinson

      Lindsay Robinson answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      Hi MaximDis. I’ve worked at the university of Dundee for around 2 years and before that I worked in drug discovery for 15 years. After I graduated I started working at Pfizer which is a large pharmaceutical company. I moved to work for a company called Merck which is similar to Pfizer. I have also worked for a start up company called Xention which was tiny and a very different place to work. The department I work in now at the university is unlike your standard university research department and we work more like a company.

      Self employment for a chemist isn’t really an option if I wanted to stay in the lab. I don’t really know what I’d like to do in the future but for the moment, I’m happy with my job.

    • Photo: Juan Ortiz

      Juan Ortiz answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      I would like to work for industry in a pharmaceutical company or become a Science teacher. I could become a private science tutor and that would allow me to become self-employed what I wouldn’t mind. I don’t have future plans because there are many things that I like and I keep opened to different types of jobs and opportunities.

    • Photo: Jonathan Hunter

      Jonathan Hunter answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      I’ve worked in industry and in a university. I really enjoyed working in industry and would love to discover something or find some way of setting up my own company. I’d really like to be my own boss and make money doing the business side of the chemical industry!

    • Photo: Danna Gifford

      Danna Gifford answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      Hi MaximDis, I’d like to stay in the university system, because I think allows for the most intellectual freedom. It also comes with a lot of secondary benefits, like flexible (although often long) working hours. However, I’ve also thought about working in governmental research labs.

    • Photo: Daniela Lobo

      Daniela Lobo answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      I think after I am done with my PhD, would like to work for a start-up biotech company – it allows for freedom of thinking (you can have ideas of your own and explore them), you have a clear mission and you may see your product getting to the market and have implications on people’s lives, and you have a very versatile set of roles in the company (you are not only a scientist, you are a sales person, a negotiator, a designer, a journalist,…)
