• Question: Is CVS a real issue or is it a myth to get children off computers?

    Asked by ImIbby to Daniela ?, ☣ Danna, Jonny, Juan, Lindsay on 20 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Juan Ortiz

      Juan Ortiz answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      It is absolutely true. It is not good to spend many hours in from of the computer without a break. I would recommend some time playing outside and doing sports.

    • Photo: Lindsay Robinson

      Lindsay Robinson answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      Computer Vision Syndrome? I think it is real. It doesn’t mean you can’t spend time on your computer but it’s probably worth taking a break every so often to give your eyes a break.

    • Photo: Jonathan Hunter

      Jonathan Hunter answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      Well I know you can get RSIs (repeativte strain injuries) from using the computer too much. If CVS is the same but for your eyes instead of muscular I guess it’s not a myth, but I’m not a medical professional, so it’s just a guess.

    • Photo: Danna Gifford

      Danna Gifford answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      I’m not sure, but it’s definitely a good idea to take regular breaks away from the computer.

    • Photo: Daniela Lobo

      Daniela Lobo answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      Hmmm I guess is a real thing, being on the computer for too long has to have implications for your eyes and brain! I somewhere read it changes your world 3D perspective.
