• Question: In School we were learning about Famous Female Scientists so my Question is What is your advice to Aspiring Young Female Scientist?

    Asked by GullamSoKawaii to ☣ Danna, Daniela ? on 22 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Danna Gifford

      Danna Gifford answered on 22 Jun 2016:

      I would say, find role models, mentors and peers–of both genders–who are supportive. I have been really happy to have worked with nice people who have given me great advice and introduced me to lots of people. I think it’s a lot easier in science for women currently than even 10 years ago. I’m very thankful that I’ve not been discriminated against directly for being female. There are also scholarships and fellowships targeted towards women to help increase female participation in science too.

    • Photo: Daniela Lobo

      Daniela Lobo answered on 23 Jun 2016:

      Marie Curie is my personal favourite female scientist not because of the amazing work she has done (and won 2 nobel prizes!!) but because, despite the fact female scientists were unusual at the time, she fought against adversity and go throw with her ideas. So my advice would be just that – you can do it, you really just need to keep going and work hard. Talk to people, learn as much as you can with all sorts of people. Read a lot. Put yourself in a lab for experience as soon as you can. It’s all about showing your passion to other people about things that move you.
